Friday, October 16, 2009

Meet Me in St. Louey Louey!

Phew! It's been a while since I've had time to post, but with good reason...we have moved to St. Louis! We decided through a series of events and a deeper understanding of Ethan's profound hearing loss that we needed to be here in order for Ethan to receive the best resources possible. He is attending an oral school for the deaf where they teach deaf children to communicate through speech/listening. Our hope is that within 2-3 years of this intense therapy, Ethan will be able to communicate enough for me to homeschool him.

After being here for only a short time, the staff at his school told us that his hearing aids were not providing him much benefit and that it would be very difficult and maybe impossible for him to learn to talk unless he received a cochlear implant. So, we are now looking at a cochlear implant surgery in about 6 weeks. Everything has moved very quickly, but that is necessary since the window of time for Ethan to develop speech is narrowing every day.

A lot has happened but there is only time to post a few updated photos right now. There are countless kids' activities in St. Louis so the boys are loving their new life.

Ready for Church (where we will be joining this month)
Ethan on the Playground
All 3 with their Old Navy caps we found for a quarter :)
Levi's Birthday Gift From GrAunt and GrUncle (he has learned to enjoy it now!)

Blue-Eyed Judah (spittin' image of Papa)


cynthia said...

yay for pictures!! how exciting that the Lord is laying it all out for you. sometimes quicker is better! ;) may the Lord allow the implants to be effective. :) love you all!

Anonymous said...

Look at how big they are getting!!
Its good to see new pictures of them.
You all are in our prayers!
Justin and Lee Ann